By comparing cloud service offerings, you can end up saving up to 70% on your operational costs.
In light of the current macroeconomic climate, businesses are increasingly looking to reduce costs. However, while this might be the time to cut costs, it is certainly not the time to cut performance. For cloud-native companies, conducting price comparisons between vendors can drastically reduce operational costs, enhance efficiency, and improve user experience.
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Companies should undertake an internal review of paid cloud services, as businesses are often paying for services and additional benefits that go unused or partnering with a cloud provider with limited resources at the same expense. When it comes to value for money, this isn’t it.
When looking at the major players within the industry, companies should carefully analyse their own cloud needs and services required. Bigger is not always better, and certainly not the cheapest, yet what’s essential is finding the most suitable solution to meet business needs.
What services should be provided?
The needs of each company are different and businesses must define what is worth paying for and what will be used. Company A may not necessarily need a multi-cloud environment or the same robust capacity as Company B, but instead seeks ease of use and excellent customer support.
In contrast, businesses operating within Europe may need a cloud service that can handle diverse service platforms and data sources whilst also ensuring GDPR compliance. One shoe does not fit all with businesses needing more flexibility in their services.
In order to adequately compare and optimise the costs of cloud service providers, businesses must first ascertain company needs in order to achieve optimum value for money through the fulfillment of predefined requirements.
Optimise not only costs but efficiency too!
With certain cloud service providers, hidden costs often arise and businesses find themselves paying for package deals with features, products, and services of no use. However, benefits, such as always available customer service and disaster recovery, may turn out to be more valuable for the same price.
Transferring infrastructure to a new service provider may bring significant savings. The most important thing is the suitability of the selected services so that they really benefit the company’s operation and overall performance.
Unsure where to start?
Discover fundamental cost considerations and strategies to cut cloud costs with our free guide →
To get you started, we have done some of the work for you by providing a cost comparison against other providers in the market. See for yourself how our Developer Plans compare!

What’s more, we have recently waved goodbye to egress fees to enable businesses to regain control of their monthly cloud spend. Scale without worrying about unexpected transfer bills with Zero-cost Egress!
Talk to our cloud optimisation expert and find out how you can optimise your cloud spend today!