Posted on 15.10.2021

Benefits of cloud hosting for website development

As a development company, you take responsibility not only for running your websites and applications but mainly for the flawless website performance you provide to your customers. When your websites are running on high performing servers, you see the results immediately in increased user traffic and better overall user experience. Let’s look at the biggest benefits you can get from hosting in cloud.

Performance with minimum downtime

Business-critical websites have zero tolerance for downtimes, and built-in redundancies of cloud servers guarantee higher uptime. You also don’t have to worry about constant monitoring of your web-based applications for sudden server errors. The cloud service provider takes care of that for you.

Currently, the most important metrics of a website’s user interface quality are Core Web Vitals. The exact indicators might change in time but are always related to a website’s loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. The faster the website can load, the better SEO ranking and Core Web Vitals it gets. And what is more important, they will be directly reflected in website traffic and overall revenue your clients’ website will generate.

UpCloud’s proprietary MaxIOPS storage technology ensures the fastest loading times that make your websites stand out from competitors. It is really that simple. Only moving to a different cloud provider can double your websites’ performance, as shown by the experience of a Dutch hosting company, Hosted Power:

An important part of our managed hosting service is improving the loading times of our customer’s websites. One thing we’ve noticed in particular is that some websites and applications are sometimes already up to 100% faster just by moving onto UpCloud. This provides a great stepping stone to boosting the apps and websites more than would otherwise be possible with optimisation alone, up to enabling a customer’s website or application to run four times faster on an unchanged budget. – Hosted Power

The performance you’ll get on UpCloud is suitable for any level of website and application complexity. Even more complicated sites such as eCommerce will run smoothly and ensure better conversions through the performance. Moreover, UpCloud offers additional features bringing ease of use to even more complex solutions, such as Object Storage or Managed Databases.

Scalability and automation

With cloud hosting service, you can easily scale up anytime by increasing the hardware power or adding more servers. No more worries about storage capacity and running out of space. The additional resources you need become available immediately, and what you don’t use will cost nothing at all. When you collaborate on multiple projects with other developers or teams, you will also appreciate not being tied to a specific storage location. No need to maintain servers in different countries on your own. Thanks to the cloud network, you simply access your data whenever you want from wherever you want.

Not only businesses with larger client base appreciate saving valuable time by automation. With UpCloud’s API, server deployments can be automated flexibly according to developers’ needs. It is similarly effortless to replicate servers for other clients. You can even create your own setup scripts for server deployment with your own configuration. Still, you don’t have to be an expert, as we will help you out throughout all the steps with our extensive library of tutorials and guides.

Security and support

As already mentioned above, shared hosting brings the risk of vulnerability against threats from other users. On the other hand, cloud hosting typically employs more security features to increase your safety, such as data encryption, constant monitoring or automated backups.

We at UpCloud know that staying up and running is an absolute must for your websites. Therefore, the N+1 philosophy is crucial for us, and the 100% uptime SLA is embedded into our core. We confidently offer it to all our users, and in the unlikely case of downtime of over 5 minutes, we compensate 50x payback.

Our Simple Backups are an effortless way to backup your data without any slowdown interruption to the server. Simply save a snapshot of the server with one click or schedule regular automatic backups. For absolute privacy of your infrastructure, you can choose our Private Cloud and have all your resources in a physically isolated environment shared with nobody else at all.

Shared hosting will never offer the level of personalised support of cloud hosting providers. We’re proud of our own professional in-house Support Team available live 24/7 with an average response time of 1,5 minutes. They are always ready to help with technical trouble. Are you planning large-scale deployments or migrations? Besides immediate technical assistance, UpCloud will also provide you with business-oriented planning support.

Simple pricing

One of the most significant benefits of hosting your websites on cloud servers is the optimisation of investments. No upfront costs are needed for setting up your own server infrastructure. You will also save a significant amount of money on trained staff who would be maintaining your infrastructure. Furthermore, your costs will be directly linked to resource usage and reflect any changes in your settings and needed capacity. Start with a small setup and let your business grow naturally; that’s the way to grow sustainably!

UpCloud offers a variety of easy-to-understand pricing plans for companies ranging from the smallest startups to established businesses. Both our Simple and Flexible plans are billed by the hour only for the hours you use. You can add extra resources such as block storage or IP addresses based on our standard hourly rates. On top of that, you can configure automated payments and only schedule top-ups when you need them.

European provider with global data centre coverage

Cybersecurity is one of the most critical topics of the current world, getting more and more complex. Luckily with a cloud hosting provider, you don’t have to worry about the security management of your infrastructure. Instead, you can rely on a well-known and trustworthy hosting provider.

As an EU company based in Finland, UpCloud ensures maximum data and privacy security since we comply with GDPR and other European industry standards. With this said, of course, any of our 12 data centres situated worldwide are available to you. With UpCloud, you will ensure the best latency, no matter where your end users are located.

If UpCloud’s offering sounds interesting to you or you simply want to know more about us, let’s get in touch. Or have a look at our Partner Program to see if we can join our forces to provide even better online services to the world.

Barbora Mervaala

Social Media and Content Specialist at UpCloud. Passionate about writing stories about inspiring people and companies.

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