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Why SimpleLogin decided to leave AWS

SimpleLogin runs an email alias service on UpCloud with users reporting to have much better success with email delivery than with the previous provider.

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What is Terraform Kubernetes provider and how to use it

As a leading infrastructure-as-code product, Terraform has a connector called the Kubernetes provider. Let’s take a look at what you can do with it.

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Tips for optimizing Ruby app performance

In this article, we'll look at how to make changes to a Ruby app to improve performance.

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Benchmarking Apache Kafka with Aiven: Write throughput (AWS vs Azure vs DigitalOcean vs Google Cloud vs UpCloud)

Here’s a benchmark Aiven conducted to get a rough idea on just how well Apache Kafka performs in the public cloud.

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After migrating to UpCloud, Fiare doubles the performance and cuts response times in half

A guest post by Tommi Heikkonen, CEO of Fiare about their platform-as-a-service for online classifieds and marketplace solutions targeted towards medium to large media companies.

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Customer Showcase: Digital Hammer’s Zeta Fighters

Digital Hammer - a bunch of "fearless mobile game developers from the North" - is a Finnish indie mobile games company set up in late 2013.

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Customer Showcase: Cabforce

Cabforce - a Finnish technology and services company is the leading provider of pre-booked, flat-rate taxi booking solutions.

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