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UpCloud becomes verified Terraform provider along with major update

Terraform is a popular open-source software tool created by HashiCorp. Terraform allows users to define infrastructure-as-code using a simple, human-readable language. It enables you to take full control of your cloud infrastructure using declarative configuration files to manage services and resources. The UpCloud Terraform provider module integrates our infrastructure with Terraform and has been available […]


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Product Updates

Updates to the API client libraries and something extra!

We first introduced a set of new API client libraries for the UpCloud API almost two months ago and are continuing the work. The code base has been getting better by the day with bug fixes and other updates. You guys, our users, have been a huge help by reporting issues and suggestions. With this […]

Open Source

Five new open source API clients available for JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and more!

Update: The API clients have received a number of updates since the first announcement. Read more about the status update on the libraries in a new blog post. We have been busy building our libraries on GitHub to expand support for developers. Helping new ideas and services to be realized is very important to us, and we could not […]

Open Source

New Libcloud provider! UpCloud joins the unified cloud interface

APIs, or application programming interfaces, come in as many shapes and sizes as the services they are built for. While it is completely natural that APIs are optimized for their specific systems, the benefits of interoperabilities between similar services are obvious. This is exactly what the folks at Cloudkick set out to solve when originally beginning the development […]

Open Source

Introducing the official UpCloud Go API client

We have always been dedicated to offering an extensive and powerful API to allow applications to integrate with the UpCloud services. The API can be accessed using any programming language with the necessary HTTP libraries but requires some experience to get going. To help kickstart a new line of integrated applications, we are excited to […]

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