UpCloud accelerates growth
We are incredibly excited to announce that UpCloud accelerates growth by securing €4 million funding to further improve the products and services that our customers enjoy already today. The investment round was led by Inventure, a leading Nordic venture capital company.
This is an exciting time for UpCloud. We want to extend our gratitude to all of our customers and partners who have worked with us. Without you – we wouldn’t have been able to build UpCloud as it stands today.
As many of our customers know, we have fanatically focused on high performance, reliable service and competitive prices. We have been lucky to be successful in this as we’ve enjoyed excellent revenue growth and this has enabled us to grow without any external funding.
Our goal is to offer developers the most high-performance cloud infrastructure resources and the best tools to control and manage them on a global scale. With the funding, UpCloud accelerates growth by opening of new data centres and offices, and also – by hiring great people to our team.
We anticipate offering our customers more value, now even faster with the help of the funding going forward.
Joel Pihlajamaa, CTO & Founder
Antti Vilpponen, CEO
Introducing SG-SIN1: Singapore Data Center - UpCloud
[…] and it’s just the first sign of our accelerated international growth, enabled by our recent funding. (And we are already preparing the launch of another data centre – stay […]