We’re thrilled to state that our one month, 100 000 euro, the campaign is now over and it has been an awesome success. We have received a lot of interest in our service and are very grateful for everyone who has given us a try.

One of the places where we wanted to share our message was Hacker News
In just a couple of days, we signed up well over 700 users. See our original item here.
The key reason we wanted to show our service to the Hacker News community was the great feedback we knew we would get. Indeed, there was a lot of feedback given and we appreciate the time everyone took to share their views on our offering. Ever since we’ve been hard at work and we’re looking to bring new features and additions to the service in the near future.
We still look back at that day with warmth. Below is a screenshot of our Google Analytics Real-time Overview when things were picking up. Needless to say, we were pretty thrilled!
From now on, all new users will receive a free test server configured with 1 CPU, 2GB of memory and 10GB of SSD storage for two weeks. It’s not the 2 months we had in the campaign, but still one of the most friendliest trials offers in the industry for a server of its kind.
As always, feel free to send us feedback regarding UpCloud and any wishes or thoughts you may have. You can also follow us on Twitter, with the handle @upcloudcom as we share news about UpCloud and our industry as well generally interesting articles there on a more active basis.
Try UpCloud for free!
We offer a 72-hour Free Trial to help you to speed up your WordPress or eCommerce! Fastest cloud servers with 2x the performance as the competition & 100% uptime SLA. Deploy in seconds, pay less. Get started now! Free trials available here
In case you would like to learn more about some specific detail of the infrastructure described here, don’t hesitate to contact UpCloud at our sales ([email protected]).