UpCloud & Fulgur Ventures

The leading cloud platform in co-operation with Fulgur Ventures!

UpCloud platform

What’s in it for you

Fulgur Ventures and UpCloud are collaborating to provide you with the right tools to scale your business and accelerate your growth.

Startup package for Fulgur Ventures portfolio companies:

  • €2500 of free credits for 12 months to start using UpCloud’s cloud platform
  • 50% off during the first 12 months after you have used the free credits
  • 10% additional continous discount going forward

Greetings from Jasper 👋

Hi, I’ve been helping crypto companies onboard UpCloud since 2019 and I’m here to help you as well.

Drop me a message through Telegram and I’l help you get set up on UpCloud.

Chat with me (telegram) or email (jasper.jonkATupcloud.com)

Get started

Contact Jasper to take up the Fulgur Ventures offer

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