
We charge taxes on payments from users in certain regions according to the requirements of the local tax authorities. Countries’ taxation is currently applied to include EU countries and the Republic of Singapore. Users from outside these countries are not charged tax.


VAT is paid when adding balance to your account according to the rules of your country. The taxation percentage will depend on your country of residence. VAT does not apply to users from outside the EU.

VAT-registered businesses are able to deduct the amount of tax they have paid to other businesses on purchases for their business activities from the VAT they collect. This taxation process can be simplified by excluding VAT from sales to other EU businesses.

Businesses that have registered for VAT, are eligible for VAT-free purchases. Users can add their valid VAT identification number to their UpCloud account billing details to exclude VAT in the payments.

UpCloud is a registered Finnish company and sales from Finnish to Finnish companies are considered domestic sales. In domestic sales, VAT is charged according to Finnish laws.

GST in Singapore

In Singapore, GST is levied on the import of goods and nearly all supplies of goods and services. All consumer users and unregistered businesses will have the GST of 7% added on top of their regular payments as required by Singapore’s tax law.

GST-registered businesses should add their GST registration number to their UpCloud account billing details. By including a valid registration number, business users are eligible for GST-free payments

VAT and GST for international businesses

If you’re a VAT/GST registered business anywhere else, please enter your VAT or GST Registration Number for the correct tax rate.