Migrating workloads from one UKS cluster to another using Velero

Contributed by: Anirudh Oppiliappan Last updated on: February 4, 2025

This is an example of how to migrate workloads from an existing Managed Kubernetes cluster to a new Managed Kubernetes cluster.


  • Your existing Managed Kubernetes cluster
  • A new, fresh Managed Kubernetes cluster (the one you want to migrate to)
  • A Managed Object Storage instance
  • Velero CLI

Some notes before migrating

  • Velero doesn’t support restoring into a cluster with a lower Kubernetes version than where the backup was taken.
  • Going forth, the initial cluster will be referred to as “Cluster A” and the new cluster, “Cluster B”.

Set up object storage bucket

Using Velero, we will configure backups of Cluster A’s data to be stored in Managed Object Storage to store backup data from Cluster A. This backup will then be used to restore the data to Cluster B.

  • In the UpCloud Control Panel , head to the Object Storage page and hit “Create Object Storage”. Select your preferred region and provide a name. If you need a private network, attach it now. Then, click Create.
  • Next, create a bucket named velero.
  • Then go to the “Users” tab. Click “+ Add User” and provide a descriptive name for this user (e.g., velero_user). Next, click the “+ Policy” button and select “ECSS3FullAccess” from the available policies and click “Attach”. This grants the user full access to your S3-compatible storage. Additionally, you can create a custom policy that allows the user to access the velero bucket. Finally, click the “+ Access Key” button. A new Access Key and Secret Key will be generated. Important: Copy both keys immediately and store them securely. You will not be able to retrieve the Secret Key again.

Performing the migration

  • Now that the Managed Object Storage setup is finished, we can initiate the migration. First, create a configuration file for Velero named velero.conf in the current directory. This file will contain your bucket’s access and secret keys. Replace the placeholders <access_key> and <secret_key> with the actual values you copied in the previous step. Here’s an example:
  • To connect our Managed Kubernetes cluster to our Managed Object Storage bucket, we will use Velero’s AWS S3 provider so we have to install Velero on both clusters A and B. When configuring Velero, replace <region> with the lowercase region of your Managed Object Storage instance and <hostname> with the S3 endpoint found under “Public access” in your Object Storage instance settings. Replace <path_to_cluster_A_kubeconfig> with the kubeconfig file pointing to cluster A.
export KUBECONFIG=<path_to_cluster_A_kubeconfig>
velero install --provider aws \
    --features=EnableCSI \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.9.0 \
    --bucket velero --secret-file ./velero.conf \
    --backup-location-config region=<region>,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=<hostname> \
  • Next, we will install Velero on cluster B so switch your context to cluster B using the following command, replacing <path_to_cluster_B_kubeconfig> with the path where the kubeconfig of your cluster B is stored.
export KUBECONFIG=<path_to_cluster_B_kubeconfig>
  • Now that your kubectl context is set to Cluster B, install Velero using the same command from earlier (again, replace placeholders):
velero install --provider aws \
    --features=EnableCSI \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.9.0 \
    --bucket velero --secret-file ./velero.conf \
    --backup-location-config region=<region>,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=<hostname> \
  • After installing Velero in Cluster B, we will create a restore resource modifier for Velero to leverage while doing the restore. The purpose of this modifier is to remove any attached load balancer metadata from services, so Managed Kubernetes will re-create the load balancers for Cluster B. By default, we are applying the modifier to every service, but feel free to change the resourceNameRegex according to your needs. Continuing with this cluster,create a file named service-modifier.yaml with the following contents:
version: v1
  - conditions:
      groupResource: services
      resourceNameRegex: "*"
      - operation: remove
        path: "/metadata/annotations/service.beta.kubernetes.io/upcloud-load-balancer-id"
      - operation: remove
        path: "/metadata/annotations/service.beta.kubernetes.io/upcloud-load-balancer-name"
      - operation: remove
        path: "/status/loadBalancer"
  • We need to make the service modifier configuration available to Velero in Cluster B, so create a ConfigMap named service-modifier in the velero namespace using this command:
kubectl create cm service-modifier --from-file service-modifier.yaml -n velero
  • Now, switch your kubectl context to Cluster A and create the backup of all resources (--include-resources='*'):
export KUBECONFIG=path/to/cluster-A-kubeconfig
velero backup create backup-1 --include-resources='*' --wait
  • Run velero get backups to verify that the backup is listed. If it’s not visible, check the Velero logs in Cluster A for errors. You can use kubectl logs -n velero <velero-pod-name> to view the logs.

  • Once the backup creation process is finished, switch your kubectl context to Cluster B and verify that the backup you created in Cluster A is visible:

export KUBECONFIG=path/to/cluster-B-kubeconfig
velero backup describe backup-1
  • If the backup isn’t immediately visible, wait a short while and try again. Velero in Cluster B needs to synchronize with the object storage bucket, so it might take a few minutes for the backup to appear.
  • When the backup appears in Cluster B, you’re ready to restore it using the following command:
velero restore create --from-backup backup-1 --resource-modifier-configmap service-modifier
  • Immediately after running this command, you can monitor the restore’s progress with velero restore get and velero restore describe <restore-name> (replacing <restore-name> with the name from velero restore get). Be aware that the restore resource is automatically deleted upon completion, so it will no longer be visible via these commands.
  • After the restore process completes, it’s crucial to verify that the restore was successful. Check the restored applications and data in Cluster B to ensure they are functioning as expected. This might include checking pod status (kubectl get pods), application logs, and database integrity.

Your Managed Kubernetes cluster migration using Velero is complete! If you no longer require the Managed Object Storage, you can delete it. Important: Deleting the Managed Object Storage will permanently erase all data stored within it. Ensure you have backups of any data you need before proceeding with deletion.