Rolling Update for UpCloud Servers Using Terraform and Ansible

Contributed by: Toni Kangas

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform a rolling update for an application on a set of UpCloud servers. The process involves:

  • Using Terraform to provision and manage the infrastructure on UpCloud.
  • Employing Ansible to configure and update NGINX web servers on these instances.
  • Implementing a rolling update strategy to modify the web content without downtime.
  • Utilizing a load balancer to distribute traffic among the servers during the update process.

The rolling update allows you to change the web content (in this case, an animal-themed static page) across all servers gradually, ensuring continuous service availability.


Install the required tools:

  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • upcloud-ansible-collection and UpCloud Python SDK (upcloud-api>=2.5.0)
  • Git client

Follow these tutorials if you are unfamiliar with setting up these tools:

Example material used in this guide is available from the UpCloud Ansible Collection repository in Github. Clone the repository for further steps:

git clone


  1. Set UpCloud credentials:

    export UPCLOUD_USERNAME=your_username
    export UPCLOUD_PASSWORD=your_password
  2. Enter the example directory and create a set of UpCloud servers:

    cd upcloud-ansible-collection/examples/inventory-rolling-update/resources
    terraform init
    terraform apply
    cd ..
  3. Install and configure NGINX on the servers created in the previous step:

    # Initial configuration
    ansible-playbook configure-webserver.yml --extra-vars "serial_override=0"
    # Update with specific tag
    ansible-playbook configure-webserver.yml --extra-vars "animal=tiger"
  4. Monitor updates:

    watch -n 0.75 curl -s $(terraform -chdir=resources output -raw lb_url)
  5. Cleanup:

    terraform -chdir=resources destroy