Product radar
The Product radar demonstrates features that we’re working on currently, and soon going to be released.
Also see our Changelog for recently released features!
Projects we’re planning to start implementing soon.
Kubernetes Built-in Autoscaling
Optimize resource utilization and costs with the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler as a built-in, readily available feature in UKS.
Container Registry
A secure and scalable container registry for storing, managing, and deploying container images across your environments at UpCloud.
SDN Firewall
Firewalling between SDN Private Networks and other connected networks.
NFS (Network File System)
A distributed file system that allows users to access and share files over a network as if they were stored locally. Can be used with cloud servers and as persistent volumes in Kubernetes.
Pulumi Provider
Official UpCloud support for Pulumi, an Infrastructure-as-Code SDK.
Cloud Concierge
Premium paid support levels.
In progress
Projects we’re actively working on now.
Cloud Native server plans
Cloud Server configurations to match the needs of running dynamic workloads of hosting a containerised environments.
SDN Firewall
Firewalling between SDN Private Networks and other connected networks.
API Authentication Tokens
Token-based authentication to use UpCloud with our tooling and 3rd party integrations.
Managed Databases Dynamic Disk Sizing
More flexibility to scale your service’s disk storage, without upgrading your plan.
Kubernetes Lifecycle Management
Support for Kubernetes cluster version upgrades.
MaxIOPS v2
Next generation of our block storage platform, with further increased performance and functionality.
Zone-to-Zone SDN Private Networks
Connect SDN Private Networks between UpCloud locations.
Feature to centrally manage access control and grouping of multiple UpCloud user accounts and resources.
Ready to use
Projects that have been recently released, in public testing or limited availability. portfolio available through peering
Network peering between and UpCloud to use any Aiven’s product with UpCloud.
Object Storage 2.0
New, scalable and S3 compliant service available from APAC-1
(sg-sin1) and Europe-1
(fi-hel2) regions. Next location will be de-fra1 as an additional location to Europe-1
Audit logs
Comprehensive account and product changes audit trails within the UpCloud platform.
Site-to-Site VPN
A network gateway service to connect UpCloud SDN Private Networks with external networks via site-to-site VPN.
Developer plans
Cloud Server plans for development, testing and hosting personal project.
Standard tier Block Storage
New general purpose block storage storage tier.