Block Storage Features

Storage system

Data is stored on separate block storage systems, ensuring redundancy, high performance and availability.

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Storage tiers

UpCloud offers three storage tiers: MaxIOPS®, Standard and Archive.

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Block storage can be backed up with snapshots with a schedule or manually at any time.

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Public templates

We offer a range of templates of popular public operating systems, including popular Linux® distributions and Windows Server®.

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Custom images

Any block storage device can be made into a custom image, which can be used to launch new Cloud Servers.

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Storage import

Bring your own operating system installation media or import Cloud Server images from other providers.

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Encryption at Rest

Block Storage can optionally be Encrypted at Rest, further increasing the security and privacy of your data.

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MaxIOPS is a registered trademark of UpCloud Ltd. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.