
Managed Kubernetes Data Plane

The Data plane consists of the Kubernetes® cluster’s Worker nodes which serve as the hosts for the workload and are managed by the Control plane.

Node groups

Users have full control of their Data plane configuration allowing them to arrange worker nodes in groups with varying Cloud Server plans.

Worker nodes can be configured with any General Purpose, High CPU or High Memory Cloud Server plans.

Node groups can be scaled horizontally by adding or removing nodes.


When creating a new node group, users have the option to select Anti-affinity in the Advanced settings. If enabled, nodes in this group are aimed to be placed on separate compute hosts.

Please note that the anti-affinity policy is considered a “best effort” and enabling it does not fully guarantee that the nodes will end up on different hardware.

Network connectivity

Data plane worker nodes are connected via Private networks made available in the same zone as the Managed Kubernetes cluster.

  • One Private network per Kubernetes cluster is required.
  • Only one cluster can be connected to any one Private network at the same time.
  • The Private network cannot be changed after cluster creation.

Kubernetes is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.