How to install WordPress with CyberPanel on Ubuntu

CyberPanel login

Cyberpanel is a free web hosting control panel and a great cPanel alternative that works on top of the OpenLiteSpeed server. You can deploy several web applications with CyberPanel such as WordPress, Magento, Prestashop, and Opencart to name a few.

Furthermore, on CyberPanel you can also manage SSL certificates, use a user-friendly file manager, and configure the web application firewall. With a ton of features and a powerful server stack, CyberPanel is the control panel loved by modern developers.

In this tutorial, we will install the CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed server on a simple cloud server running Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04.

  1. Deploying Cloud Server
  2. Installing CyberPanel
  3. Accessing the admin panel
  4. Setting up a hostname domain and SSL
  5. Accessing CyberPanel on secure URL
  6. Creating a website in CyberPanel
  7. Installing WordPress with LSCache

Deploying Cloud Server

Go ahead and deploy a new UpCloud server with Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04 by logging in to your UpCloud Control Panel and clicking Deploy server. If you are new to UpCloud, you can get started with the free trial by signing up.

The deployment page shows a number of options for customizing a new Cloud Server.

  1. Choose the server location from the available data centres
  2. Pick a configuration, the $5 per month plan is a good starting point
  3. Select Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04 for the operating system
  4. Add any SSH keys you want to use
  5. Give your server a hostname and description
  6. Deploy!

You can find more detailed instructions on server deployment at the UpCloud newcomer’s tutorials.

Once you’ve deployed your server, connect to your cloud server using your preferred SSH client.

Installing CyberPanel

When logging into a fresh deployment for the first time, it’s always recommended to make sure you are running the latest software and security patches. Update and upgrade the packages list on the server with the following command.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Next, to install CyberPanel you’ll need to download the installation script. You can do this for example in the /tmp folder which is cleaned up automatically at each reboot. Change into the directory then use wget to down the install script with the commands below.

cd /tmp
wget -O

The installation script needs to be made executable. Change the file permissions of the script we just downloaded using chmod as shown underneath.

chmod +x

Then run the installer using the next command.


Once you run the script, the shell will take you through the installation and ask to input preferences. You can do that as below.

Github URL:
Github Content URL:
Github Branch: v2.0.3

Valid IP detected...
Checking server...
Checking OS...
Detecting Ubuntu 20.04 ...
Checking virtualization type...
Checking root privileges...
You are runing as root...

CyberPanel Installer v2.03

  1. Install CyberPanel.
  2. Addons and Miscellaneous
  3. Exit.

  Please enter the number[1-3]: 1

Type 1 and press enter to select to Install CyberPanel.

CyberPanel Installer v2.03

  RAM check : 152/981MB (15.49%)
  Disk check : 2/25GB (10%) (Minimal 10GB free space)
  1. Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.
  2. Install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise.
  3. Exit.

  Please enter the number[1-3]: 1

To install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed (free version), choose 1. In case you have a license of the LiteSpeed Enterprise server, feel free to choose 2 instead.

If you’re not sure which one you should select, simply choose 1 and fill up the license later.

Afterwards, answer the remaining questions as shown below.

Install Full service for CyberPanel? This will include PowerDNS, Postfix and Pure-FTPd.
Full installation [Y/n]: Y

Type Y and press enter to install full-service CyberPanel that will include DNS Manager, File Manager, Database manager, and Email server as well.

Do you want to setup Remote MySQL? (This will skip installation of local MySQL)
(Default = No) Remote MySQL [y/N]:  N

Remote MySQL is used very rarely. In most cases, you have the database server on the same machine called the localhost. To choose localhost for your database, Type N and press enter.

Press Enter key to continue with the latest version or Enter a specific version such as: 1.9.4 , 2.0.1 , 2.0.2 ...etc.

When asked to select the installed version, simply press enter to use the latest version.

Please choose to use default admin password 1234567, randomly generate one (recommended) or specify the admin password?
Choose [d]fault, [r]andom or [s]et password: [d/r/s] : S

Setting a unique password is recommended for better security. Type S, press enter. You’ll be prompted to enter a password twice.

Do you wish to install Memcached extension and backend?
Please select [Y/n]: y

Do you wish to install Redis extension and backend?
Please select [Y/n]: y

Would you like to set up a WatchDog (beta) for Web service and Database service?
The watchdog script will be automatically started up after installation and server reboot
If you want to kill the watchdog, run watchdog kill
Please type Yes or no (with capital Y, default Yes):

After you answer all the questions in the installation wizard the script will take care of the rest. Hold tight for 5-10 minutes as the installer will install and set up CyberPanel for you. Once the installation finishes, you’ll see an output similar to the example below.

CyberPanel Successfully Installed
Current Disk usage : 7/25GB (33%)

Current RAM  usage : 288/981MB (29.36%)

Installation time  : 0 hrs 7 min 16 sec

Panel username: admin
Panel password: *****
WebAdmin console username: admin
WebAdmin console password: mSlj3t7lzFIJKwx7

Right after the completion output, the shell asks you to restart the server or continue without restarting the server.

Simply type N and press enter to continue without a restart.

Would you like to restart your server now? [y/N]: N

At this point, you have installed all the required packages and their extensions to host a website with the OpenLiteSpeed server.

Accessing the Admin Panel

CyberPanel is managed through their easy-to-use but powerful web dashboard. By default, the admin dashboard is accessible via the port 8090. You can visit your admin panel by entering your server IP address in your browser followed by the port number.

Replace with your server’s public IP address.

Cyberpanel Login

The administrator dashboard gives you access to manage everything on the server. You can even use the inbuilt terminal to execute your SSH commands.

Cyberpanel Dashboard

Feel free to have a look around the dashboard before continuing with the next steps.

Creating the HostName Domain

At this stage, you can access the admin panel using your server’s IP address followed by the port number. However, when you log in to your administrator panel, you will see the unsecured page warning due to the self-signed SSL certificates installed by default.

We can fix this by obtaining SSL certificates from a trusted certificate authority such as Let’s Encrypt. To do so will require an FQDN, fully qualified domain name. You’ll need to have a registered domain name and set up an A record that points the domain to the public IP address of your Cloud Server.

Step 1. Add an A record in your domain’s DNS zone.
Step 2. Create a subdomain, e.g. “server” and set the server’s public IP address as the destination.

This can generally be done at your domain registrar’s service. Read more about DNS and how to configure DNS records.

Step 3. Login to your Admin dashboard and use the main menu on the left to go to:

Websites > Create Website

Cyberpanel Create Website

Step 4. In the website details, choose the default Package and admin as the owner. Add your domain or subdomain that you configured above, e.g. then select the PHP version and click on Create Website.

Cyberpanel Configuring Website

Step 5. Once the site is created, install the hostname SSL to enable the secure HTTPS on your CyberPanel dashboard. Go to:

SSL > Hostname SSL

Cyberpanel Hostname Ssl

Step 6. Choose the Website you want to use as the dashboard URL and click on Issue SSL.

Cyberpanel Issuing Hostname Ssl

CyberPanel will then use Let’s Encrypt to obtain free certificates for your dashboard domain.

Access CyberPanel on Secure URL

At this point, you can access the CyberPanel dashboard on your very own domain name securely.

Type the domain name followed by the port number 8090 in your browser and the login screen should open now.

Remember to replace with your domain name.

Creating a Website in CyberPanel

CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed server is the best way to host multiple websites on a cloud server. It all starts with your first website.

Note that you’ll need to create another A record which can be done at your domain registrars service. Read more about DNS and how to configure DNS records.

Once your domain name is all set, create a new website just like when adding the hostname site. Go to:

Websites > Create Website

Cyberpanel Creating Website

Again, choose the default Package, select admin as the owner and type your domain name. Type your email address and select the PHP version – PHP 7.4 (recommended)

Check all the additional features and click the Create Website button.

You should now be able to visit CyberPanel’s default page when you visit your domain name in the browser.

Cyberpanel Default Page

If you are seeing the page like above, your new website is ready to start hosting actual content. Continue below with steps on how to install WordPress on CyberPanel.

Installing WordPress with LSCache

The best thing about CyberPanel is that you do not need to mess with the database shell and the SSH console much. It comes packed with an auto-installer that you can use to install any script.

Not just WordPress, you can also install Joomla, Prestashop or Magento. Go to the following section:

Websites > List Websites

Next, select your domain name for which you want to install the WordPress site.

Cyberpanel Managing Website

Then scroll down to the list of installable applications and start the configuration by clicking the WP + LSCache icon.

Cyberpanel Install Wordpress

You’ll then be presented with the WordPress installation wizard. Fill up the form as follows:

  1. Blog Title – The brand name with Capitalization
  2. Login user – Type an administrator username. Make sure it is unique to enhance security
  3. Login Password – Choose a login password for the administrator user
  4. Email – Type the administrator email address
  5. Path – Leave it blank

Once all set, click the Install Now button and wait for a few seconds as it installs the WordPress CMS and LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

Cyberpanel Configuring Wordpress

Congratulations! You should now be able to visit your brand new WordPress site in your browser.

Cyberpanel Wordpress Default Page

If you see the WordPress default page, your installation was successful and you can get started customising your page.

Conclusion and next steps

WordPress runs lightning quick on the top of the OpenLiteSpeed web server with little left to be desired.

You might want to begin configuring your new site by using the following menus.

  • Databases > PHPMYadmin
  • Users > Create New User
  • PHP > Edit PHP Configs

Happy coding!

Vashishtha Kapoor

  1. Thanks for this tutorial. Is there a tutorial on how to transfer websites WP from cPanel to CyberPanel?

  2. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Omer, thanks for the suggestion. Although we don’t have a tutorial on this just yet, Cyberpanel has some help in the form of an import tool you might find useful.

  3. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tutorial. It worked without any issue. :)

  4. How close subdomain with CP from indexing? What’s say about cybersecurity?

  5. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Vitaly, thanks for the question. While CyberPanel doesn’t appear to have options to stop indexing by itself, you can always create a robots.txt in the root of your subdomain sites and disallow all crawlers.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
  6. بلوسرور

    Hi dear
    i dont tasted yet, this panel support nginx ? its stable ?

  7. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi there, thanks for the question. CyberPanel by default uses OpenLiteSpeed web server which runs stable and generally performs better than Nginx.

  8. Hi Janne and thanks for your tutorial!

    What about if I need (as I do need) to install CyberPanel on CentOS?
    Can I adapt anything you shown for Ubuntu or shall I look for somewer else?
    Any suggestion?

    THX A LOT!

  9. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Andrea, thanks for the question. Cyberpanel works well with CentOS and the install method is practically the same. Just download the install script and run it. The script will detect your OS and install the correct packages.

  10. THX Janne!
    I will try it.

  11. Very good tutorial. Honestly, I am not a fan of CyberPanel, I like aaPanel ( …. simple, light and faster

  12. I want to install cyberpanel on $5 server. Should I go with centos or Ubuntu.

  13. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Suraj, thanks for the question. CyberPanel will work just fine on either OS but due to the discontinuation of CentOS, Ubuntu might be a safer choice.

  14. Vashishtha Kapoor

    Thank you so much NH. Surely, I will check that panel too and see what works best. Have a good day

  15. Following this guide I want to deploy 2 websites based on Magento 2.4.2 using its multisite feature. I can do all the configuration required in magento backend following docs like adding website, stores, views.
    I have 4 questions, I request you to please reply in detail

    1. How I can create vhosts using cyberpanel ?
    2. What will be required configutation in vhosts ?
    3. I want to permanently redirect(302), to (bare www)
    4. In such case, how to set values for MAGE_RUN_TYPE and MAGE_RUN_CODE ?
    This is what magento said in case of apache server

  16. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Raeen, thanks for the question. CyberPanel can easily handle multiple Magento sites on a single server. You can follow the tutorial above to create a new website for each of your Magento sites. Then in the next step, choose Magento instead of the WP install option and fill in the required details.

  17. Hi, I have installed cyberpanel but it did not finish installing. when i try to install again, it says cyberpanel has been installed. when i go to my ip address, it doesnt open.

  18. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Joey, thanks for the question. CyberPanel doesn’t support reinstall or uninstall but you could try using their upgrade script to repair the install.

  19. KR.Laboratories

    Yes… Also, you can use ordinary ‘chmod’ commabd for edit access rights of root directory of CP subdomain… But, in my opinion, need change standart 8090 port and export to Cloudflare. Its best decision, i think.

  20. How can I install a website and then install wordpress configured with LScache in a Command Line?

  21. Janne Ruostemaa

    Hi Orlando, thanks for the question. Cyberpanel does have a command line client but cannot confirm if it includes an option to install apps like WordPress or LScache.

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