Resources to help and get inspired

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Guides and instructions


How to set up site-to-site VPN connection

Note! VPN functionality is currently in beta testing with limited availability. Customers can request access to beta features by contacting our customer support. Beta features are exempt from our Service Level Agreement. NAT & VPN Gateways connect Cloud Servers in private networks with external networks. VPN Gateway is used to connect securely to external networks […]


How to connect Managed Databases to SDN Private Networks

Reliable and secure connectivity is an absolute necessity for databases. With UpCloud Managed Databases, you have the option to connect to your database using your account wide Utility Network or the customisable SDN Private Networks. Utility Networks are enabled by default but attaching a SDN Private Network affords you the highest level of security and […]


How to add Floating IP on AlmaLinux 9

When you attach a new floating IP, you can find it listed to one of the servers at your UpCloud Control Panel that the floating IP currently points to. However, using the new floating IP will require some manual setup. Follow the steps below on how to get this done on Cloud Servers running AlmaLinux […]


Information on services and features

UpCloud services

UpCloud is a European cloud service provider offering cloud servers on an hourly billed infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). We provide our users with the computing, storage and networking needed to develop and run applications and workloads in the cloud. We also offer additional services such as a firewall, private networks and backups. On our high-performance IaaS, our […]

Cloud Servers

Cloud Servers offer on-demand availability of computer system resources, including data storage and computational capacity without the need to directly manage the server hardware. UpCloud users are able to deploy Cloud Servers by selecting from the predefined configuration options; General Purpose, High CPU and High Memory plans or by freely allocating resources as needed using […]


The UpCloud infrastructure-as-a-service is designed around redundancy and high availability, and a core part of it is the separation of computation and storage. The redundancy-enabled storage backends are hosted independently from the compute nodes which allows instant operation failover in case of a fault in any part of the system as well as operational load […]


System management and API clients

System imaging

UpCloud Packer Builder

Packer is an easy-to-use automation solution for creating any type of machine images. It embraces modern configuration management by allowing automated software installation and setup within Packer-built images. UpCloud Packer builder integrates Packer with our Cloud Servers and makes creating private templates fast! Packer plugin UpCloud Packer builder is a plugin for Packer to simplify template […]


UpCloud Ansible Collection

Ansible is a popular configuration management tool for provisioning anything from individual cloud servers to entire cloud infrastructures. It executes the requested operation by following user-defined playbooks, lists of customisable actions written in YAML, on specified cloud servers. Using Ansible, you can automate all bootstrapping operations, like installing and updating software, creating and removing users, […]


UpCloud Command-Line Interface

UpCloud Command-Line Interface, or UpCloud CLI for short, is a text-based user interface to UpCloud’s Infrastructure-as-a-service. It provides a fast command-line tool for accessing and managing your UpCloud resources. Save valuable time with quick commands always right at your fingertips! UpCloud CLI UpCloud CLI allows you to control your Cloud Servers, storage and networking from […]

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