Building the New Web – Paris

Cryptographers, protocol designers and distributed systems engineers have been doing R&D for decades on how computer science could liberate our world, the web and financial systems. At “Building the new web – Paris” event organized by The Innovation Department, CTO’s or technical leads from different projects showcase their technical solutions. After each showcase, there is room for a Q&A. There will be enough time for socializing and one on ones with the project developers. And yes, there is plenty of food available.

IT & blockchain developers, distributed systems engineers, cryptographers, security experts, protocol designers, peer to peer developers and tech-savvy enthusiasts are encouraged to join this event since the technical threshold to enjoy this event will be high.

UpCloud is gladly sponsoring the food & drinks for the event. RSVP by 14th of April.


Sunday, 14 April 2019, 4:00 PM UTC+0300


42, 96, Boulevard Bessières, Paris, France

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