Javascript Barcamps Meetup in Warsaw

UpCloud is sponsoring the food & drinks for the upcoming Javascript Barcamps (dev.js) Warszawa!

The event brings together enthusiasts: JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS, NodeJS, ReactJS. We love talking tech – languages, frameworks, libraries, tools etc. But we’re the ones who work with them, we are the ones who make it happen. Let’s take a moment to talk about ourselves and how we work.

Vivek Patel
Vivek is a senior frontend developer and team leader at Netguru where he exploits a diverse set of frontend frameworks, libraries, and tools to build beautiful software for startups around the world. In his free time, Vivek likes to run, play billiards and enjoy a good beer.


Wednesday, 15 May 2019, 8:00 PM UTC+0200


Grochowska 306/308, Warsaw, Poland

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