Reporting Abuse

What, where, and how


If you want to report abuse activities, such as malware traffic, phishing websites, infringing or illegal content, or if you are a government official seeking assistance in a case, we encourage you to do so in the manner described below.


To report abuse, please follow these steps:

Preparing email report

Email your concern directly to [email protected].

Please prepare as much detailed information as possible to assist our investigation. These could include:

  • timestamps
  • IP addresses
  • descriptions of the incident
  • and any other relevant information

If you have logs, please share those with us in a plaintext format and have the timestamps included with time zones available.

What else to include in your email

Please make sure to include your contact information:

  • provide your name
  • best way to contact you for any follow-up.

Details of the incident you are reporting to the best of your ability:

  • describe the nature of the abuse
  • including times and dates
  • any involved parties

Attach or describe any evidence that could support or corroborate your report:

  • screenshots
  • logs
  • links

Submitting your report

Once your email is ready, please send it to [email protected].

We handle requests in the order of arrival. You should only send one report per case unless you submit additional information to an existing case.

Following up

After receiving your report, our team will review the information and may need to contact you for further details.

We are committed to investigating all reports thoroughly and will take appropriate action based on our findings.

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