The year 2019 has certainly been eventful and we hope you’ve had as a great time along the way as we have. With another amazing year quickly coming to close, we wanted to again take a moment to review what we’ve accomplished over the course of the year. In this end-of-year retrospect, we’ll have a […]
Vision and culture
The innovators of the future often rely on the freedoms provided by the supporting platforms to build new online services and web apps on creative ideas. Rigidity and old fashioned thinking would see us stagnating in the present with little advancement beyond small iterational steps. Therefore, we at UpCloud are always looking for ways to break […]
Vision and culture
UpCloud was founded with the vision to build a service on a global scale. Through the years with great effort, we’ve built UpCloud truly worldwide with data centres in multiple regions. We originally branched out from Finland by expanded into Europe, but soon after set our sights on the US and later, Singapore. Today we […]
Vision and culture
Managing a large global cloud infrastructure with high availability to provide 100% SLA requires the ability to stay on top of arising issues. Even with the advanced n+1 redundancy throughout the systems, problems need to be detected immediately and resolved quickly. For this purpose, we maintain a network of server monitoring across our data centres […]
Vision and culture
At the end of the year, it’s great to have a chance to kick back and relax a little. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past events and what we’ve accomplished this year. We’ve certainly been keeping busy with news, announcements, and community events around the globe. Here’s a quick look […]
Vision and culture
‘World’s fastest cloud servers’ has been our long-standing slogan, but we are also proud to provide our users with world-class customer support. How do we achieve this and what effects have we seen since we began offering an always-available support service? Read on as we introduce you to what goes on behind the scenes. Customer support […]
Vision and culture
When we first announced our Singapore data centre half a year ago, we already had much planned for the region. While we have been hard at work in building our global cloud, we have also kept our feet to the ground to provide support locally for our users in Asia. We are proud to present our third […]
Vision and culture
Earlier this month, The European Court of Justice (ECJ) stated that the European Commission’s decision on the US Safe Harbor program is invalid. The notion behind this is that Safe Harbor, as a program set up between the US and EU to guarantee the safety and rightful legal protection of European Union citizens’ private information […]
Vision and culture
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a very popular type of customer survey to get an understanding of how many of your customers would promote your service to a friend. The exact question we asked our customers is “How likely are you to recommend UpCloud to a friend?” Our customers then had the option to answer […]
Vision and culture