Posted on 20.9.2023

European Cloud: The cornerstone of GDPR Compliant Data Protection

European Cloud: The cornerstone of GDPR Compliant Data Protection

In today’s digital era, ensuring data privacy and security is paramount for businesses worldwide. However, with the 2018 introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies operating within the EU are bound by strict guidelines to protect the personal data of their customers. 

Establishing the highest levels of data privacy and security should be one of the biggest concerns for any business, but those working in the EU face some of the most rigorous standards anywhere in the world. As global businesses strive to meet these requirements, selecting a European provider remains the safest option when looking to achieve compliance. 

GDPR: Hinderance or help?  

GDPR helps protect the personal data and privacy rights of individuals within the EU. Its principles emphasise transparency, accountability, and the responsible handling of data giving businesses a comprehensive framework for managing customer data. 

Achieving compliance can be a daunting task for any organisation operating within the EU. It requires meticulous attention to detail, robust data security measures, and a thorough understanding of the regulatory landscape. For businesses with limited resources or complex technical requirements, this can be challenging. Meanwhile, evolving regulations can pose additional obstacles. 

This is where partnering with a European cloud provider can make a world of difference.

UpCloud’s commitment to GDPR compliance.

With strong Nordic values of transparency and deep commitment to data privacy, we understand the challenges businesses face in ensuring GDPR compliance when operating through the cloud. With 13 global data centres and extensive internal policies in place to meet these requirements, we prioritise addressing your data concerns and work tirelessly to ensure the security of your data.

In prioritising our pledge to compliance, we not only protect our customers from the fallout of non-compliance but additionally help in safeguarding future revenue by protecting the reputation of a business and establishing them as a trusted partner to their customers.

Not only are we committed to providing peace of mind regarding data security, but our customer support service sees the average enquiry receive a reply within 90 seconds, ensuring your business the most uptime possible and freeing-up your team members to do the jobs they do best!

When selecting a compliant European cloud provider, businesses should not only look to minimise risk, but also optimise operations – cutting costs, not performance. 

Interested in finding out more? Reach out to our team today!

  • cloud
  • eu cloud
  • gdpr

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