ClassicPress is a fork of WordPress (without Gutenberg) that serves as a business and a professional focused CMS. What sets ClassicPress apart is the preservation of the classic TinyMCE editor as the default option. Moreover, it is strictly a community-based project and decisions are been made democratically (Suggestion and Features can be made via the petition system).
Following this tutorial you can learn how to set up, install and configure a ClassicPress website on Ubuntu 18.04. To make this easy and fast, we are first installing Vesta Control Panel that can be used to manage multiple websites, email accounts, MySQL Databases, DNS records and more. VestaCP also provides a built-in Analytics, Server Statistics, Backups & Restore, Free SSL from Lets Encrypt, Great CLI & API, and many more.
First, you will need to deploy a new cloud server that fulfils the minimum system requirements of 512MB RAM, 20GB of storage, and 1 CPU core. As such, the $5 Simple plan is more than enough.
VestaCP supports a wide variety of operating systems, but for this example, we are using Ubuntu 18.04.
Additionally, for a fully-fledged website, you will need to have registered a domain name. We’ll be setting up the following records once the new cloud server has been deployed. Naturally, replace the domain names shown as an example with your own.
- An A records pointing your domain e.g. to your cloud server’s public IP Address for the ClassicPress site
- An A records pointing e.g. to your cloud server’s Public IP Address for the VestaCP Dashboard
- A CNAME record pointing www. to your domain e.g. to
Check out the general instructions on how to manage DNS records if you want to learn more.
Step 1. Setting domain name records
In addition to pointing a domain name to your UpCloud web server, you should change the reverse DNS name to your websites’ name. You can change the reverse DNS name by visiting your UpCloud control panel.
Navigate To The Network Section under your cloud server settings.
Click the pencil icon to edit the Reverse DNS Name of your public IP address:

Note: This should be your registered domain name, for example,
Then copy the public IPv4 address as you’ll need it to configure the A record.
The next thing you would need to do is to point an “A record” to your server’s public IP address, this should be done via your domain registrar dashboard. You can find general instructions here but refer to your domain registrars for more information.
Once you have done that, create an additional A records pointing to your public IP address, this would be solely for accessing the VestaCP dashboard. This way, we can keep the backend separate.
Lastly, create a CNAME record pointing to This will be created at your domain registrar similarly to the A record.
Step 2. Creating new user with sudo privileges
It is highly recommended to create a non-root user account. If you have a non-root user account, you can skip this step!
Here are some reasons as to why you should:
- Security: Intruders/Bots knows there is a root account, that means you are opening a known entry point which is very likely to be a target
- Logs: root doesn’t log entry of commands but with a sudo account, every command run is logged, which helps in diagnosing a problem with the system.
- Minimize Disaster: root is really powerful and a little mistake when running commands can destroy the whole system, consider you mistakenly run the following command: sudo rm -r / home/user, you see that space between the / and the home is your system directory, if you run that command, your whole system is down, which is why sudo is recommended, if you use sudo, at least, you will be prompted the password, so, luckily, you can see the mistake before you enter the password.
Let’s create a non-root user account with sudo privileges.
Log in as root over SSH and add a new user with the following command while replacing the newuser with your desired username:
adduser newuser
You will be prompted to create a new password for your new user, enter and confirm the password.
Having done that, you will be prompted to fill in your info, skip by hitting the enter key and input to verify your details.
Once your new user is created, the next task is to give the new user a sudo privilege, this way we can perform administrative tasks with the sudo command.
Give it a superuser privilege by running the following command:
usermod -aG sudo newuser
Remember to replace newuser with your own username.
That’s it about creating a non-root user with sudo privileges. Continue in the next step on how to install VestaCP itself.
Step 3. Installing Vesta Control Panel
First, switch to the non-root account using the command below where the newuser would be the non-root account you just created.
su newuser
Then download bash install script using the following command:
sudo curl -O
You might be prompted for a password to confirm you are the new user, enter the password for the non-root user account and proceed by removing group admin using:
sudo groupdel admin
Note: If you receive “groupdel: group ‘admin’ does not exist”, kindly ignore as VestaCP will create it during the install.
Finally, install VestaCP:
sudo bash
You will be asked to confirm the software you want to install on your Ubuntu server, enter y & hit enter to continue, input your email and enter your FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name), this should be the dashboard URL: e.g
_| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_| _| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _| _| _| Vesta Control Panel The following software will be installed on your system: - Nginx Web Server - Apache Web Server (as backend) - Bind DNS Server - Exim Mail Server - Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server - MySQL Database Server - Vsftpd FTP Server - Softaculous Plugin - Iptables Firewall + Fail2Ban Would you like to continue [y/n]: y Please enter admin email address: [email protected] Please enter FQDN hostname [vestacp]: Installation backup directory: /root/vst_install_backups/1581758296 Installation will take about 15 minutes ...
Installation can take up to 15 minutes, this will vary depending on your cloud server…
Vesta installation script will install the control panel and configure the following dependencies for you:
Apache webserver with Nginx as the frontend. Apache will render PHP and HTML files, while Nginx will serve static files (such as images and CSS).
- Bind DNS Server
- Exim and Dovecot for email accounts
- MySQL Database Server
- Vsftpd FTP Server
- Iptables Firewall + Fail2Ban
- Roundcube mail client
- Analytics
- and more
Once the script is done installing, you should see this if it successfully installed:
_| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_| _| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _| _| _| Congratulations, you have just successfully installed Vesta Control Panel username: admin password: T5D7yKlRdo
Step 4. Setting up VestaCP
Go to the URL given to you at the end of the install.
This should be, but yours will vary based on the hostname you entered at the beginning.
Note: If you aren’t able to access your dashboard URL, it probably has to do with the DNS propagation, it might take anywhere between 30 minutes — 48 hours, use your cloud server’s IP address to login instead, e.g You can also check the URL using to see if your name record has propagated.
You will get an SSL warning has shown below, kindly click on Advance and Proceed. The warning is normal on the first time accessing a site that is using a self-signed certificate:

Log in with the username and password Vesta generated for you at the end of the installation output.

Next, you should change your Vestacp password. Hover over the admin user and click Edit:

You can either let Vesta generates the password for you or set it yourself.
You can also change other settings, for example, the user’s first and last name.
You can leave the Nameserver as is or you can change it to use your own Nameserver if you have one.
Click Save when you are done with the settings, take your time!
When you are done updating the admin user details, navigate to the Web section and click the Add Web Domain button revealed by mousing over the plus icon:

Add your domain name and change the IP address to your cloud server’s public IP address. Then make the following selections:
- DNS Support — check
- Mail Support — check
- Click Advanced Options, and use the following setting:
Aliases should be e.g., this way your user can access your website using www - Proxy Support — check
- (Optional) SSL Support — check
- Let’s Encrypt Support — check
- (Optional) Web statistics — choose Awstats
- Statistics authorization — check, and add a unique user & pass
- (Optional) Additional FTP — If you feel you need one for uploading files to your server, check and create the user and pass, leave the path as is
Once done, click the Add button to confirm.

Access your website URL (e.g and you should see the default page:

You can also enable email configuration by going to the mail section and mouse over the domain you want to add the email support.
Use the following settings:
- Account – your username
- Password – Add a unique one and click “Advanced Options“
- Quota – It allows you to set a mailbox size limit. Also, You can press the infinity icon to give it an unlimited storage
- Aliases – It allows you to add other email addresses that forward to that main account, you don’t need this in most cases. The only case you might need one is when you
have an email account on another service, and you want to keep your emails on that service - Forward To – If you want to forward mails to other email services, you would want to check “Do not store forwarded mail” to save server resources.
Send login credentials to the email address – Send login credentials to an available email of yours and click Add.
Step 5. Option 1. Installing ClassicPress via Softaculous
Softaculous is included in VestaCP and installed by default. It is useful for installing scripts among others are ClassicPress, Presta, Joomla, Abantecart, and WordPress.
However, ClassicPress isn’t available in the free version of Softaculous. You can either use the Softaculous one-month free trial to one-time install ClassicPress or download it manually as shown in the option 2. below.
Visit Softaculous Free Premium for the free trial, enter your cloud server public IP and click the Issue License button:

This might take a few minutes to process. If you want to speed it up, go to VestaCP App section and click the Admin Panel for Softaculous at /softaculous/index.php?ap=1& on your Vesta Control Panel domain.
Then on the Softaculous Admin Home page, click the link to Refresh the License under the Software Info section and your free premium trial should activate.

Once you are done, head back to Softaculous app section, and search for ClassicPress, then click the app name under the search field as it comes up.

You should see the ClassicPress Installation Page, hover over the Install and choose Custom Install:

Use the following setting to complete the installation:
- Software Setup — Your protocol should either be https// or https//www, select your domain name, and make sure the “In Directory” is blank
- Site Settings — Add the website name and your preferred description
- Admin Account — You need this to access your admin panel; input user, pass and email of the account
- Enter your email in the Email installation details, and Install

The Installation will take a few seconds and once done, you should be given the following details:

Access the admin dashboard e.g, and that’s it about installing via Softaculous.
Step 5. Option 2. Installing ClassicPress manually
Fire up your console and Change to your website’s public directory:
cd /home/admin/web/
Download a copy of the latest ClassicPress file:
sudo wget
Unzip the downloaded zip file:
sudo unzip
Clean up the zip file:
sudo rm
Issue a recursive copy to /home/admin/web/, while replacing the example domain with your own.
sudo cp -r ClassicPress-release-1.1.2/* /home/admin/web/
You can delete the ClassicPress archive directory if you want:
sudo rm -r ClassicPress-release-1.1.2
The next step is to create a MySQL database for ClassicPress:

Now, create your database, this is what we would be using in the wp-config file:

The next step is to edit the wp-config file, but first, let’s rename it first:
mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
Open wp-config.php and replace:
sudo nano wp-config.php
Note: You can also use FTP to edit the config settings
- DB_NAME – The name of the database you created In VestaCP Database
- DB_USER – The username of the database you created In VestaCP Database
- DB_PASSWORD – The password of the database you created In VestaCP Database
If you are using the nano editor, you can use CTRL + X to save by entering Y to confirm your action.
Note: You can also connect to your FTP server to make the changes.
The next step is to generate a salt and keys for better website security.
Run the following command to generate salts for your wp-config.php:
curl -s
Alternatively, if you don’t want to rely on a remote service to generate the keys for you, you can run this one-line command:
python -c "import random; import string; r = random.SystemRandom(); print(chr(10).join('define( {q}{0}{q}{1}, {q}{2}{q} );'.format(key,' '*(16-len(key)),''.join(r.choice(string.ascii_letters+string.digits)for _ in range(64)),q=chr(39))for key in 'AUTH_KEY SECURE_AUTH_KEY LOGGED_IN_KEY NONCE_KEY AUTH_SALT SECURE_AUTH_SALT LOGGED_IN_SALT NONCE_SALT'.split(' ')))"
You should get something similar:
define('AUTH_KEY', '*;xmjy!C&XL|-vl|bq,2!YffCev@ tdl(]6<qfMz0VrIGw}/F-0b^U[ludO|UWYB'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'z{%35CIgE*RMT1O?W>*C;_xi8]c.[~]Nuv#N;=v}}/,>e[jRPa=jyDiVEgInTS/D'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'Ye>D MKmYavj-;i7P2/Wv3Okj_79K$|rQgF}j^{^F,{y=U80<p-!,8P)S5H5i>ih'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'lLgedy>SCA2V6-x|ozF4q*HW/sI6QvthDIl[c&t+v-FDHZA-+J%c,#miK|Wg@,|/'); define('AUTH_SALT', '55lvI7Zw7l[q$%n=5`mE]b]Tt]ka`vG&N*#`&qbjO+~YunMv``=oQBeb9VK}{f=S'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '%JTKXx+U)|v 6)X/e1{HjLGdnsz,]:>oi4Qaj7C+,)UX7<Yy-=zQp`~r%-`3(/#l'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'a?@S:~KsarWWihO-|uoxCLwqaeW@ BEBs0*496FNrW71*787ADoNN4C}6XWN0jPJ'); define('NONCE_SALT', '}2Qt1+H;E4`AJCx4h?2.ST@$ir*Ad_j^g.Y9B[o2p$|1j=l>z>BZOUGVRj}eK;=d');
Replace corresponding lines in your wp-config.php:
sudo nano wp-config.php
If you are using the nano editor, make sure you save by using CTRL + X and confirm by pressing Y.
Afterwards, open the /wp-admin/install.php at your ClassicPress site, e.g. to complete the installation:

Once the installation is complete, log in and you have successfully created a ClassicPress website.
Optional 1: Creating a new SSH key for the new user (Recommended)
SSH is more secure than using a password to log in to your server.
SSH helps to communicate remotely with another computer, and it ensures the exchange of data is encrypted.
Learn how to use SSH keys authentication
Optional 2: Change VestaCP’s default login port for stronger server security (Recommended)
As you probably know by now that VestaCP uses 8083 as the default port for its login control panel, which could be an open can of worms for bots/intruders.
To mitigate this, we would change and block VestaCP’s default port.
Login to your Vesta panel and navigate to the Firewall section and click the Add Rule:

Then configure the following settings:
- Action – Accept
- Change the port (I’ll be using 4950, use whatever soothes you),
- Protocol – TCP
- IP address –
Then click Add, to add the new port to your Firewall.

The next thing is editing Vesta Nginx config to listen to the new port.
Login to your server with a non-root user account that has sudo privileges, then run the following command:
Replace the default port with the one you added (I am using 4950):
sudo sed -i 's/8083;/4950;/' /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
Alternatively, you could open the config file in a text editor:
sudo nano /usr/local/vesta/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
and you then find and replace 8083.
Restart Vesta Service:
sudo service vesta restart
Now, you can log in to your panel using the new port, e.g.
Remove the old port by hovering over the rule for port 8083 and clicking Delete:

And that’s it about creating a new port.
Installing security updates
To begin installing security updates, the first thing is to update your repository index, which would instruct the server to check all lists of packages that are new or outdated.
Run the following command to update your repo:
sudo apt update
Once, you’ve done that, you will need to upgrade them if any new packages are available.
You can either run
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade
The difference here is that the apt upgrade will automatically install an update without removing any packages while the apt dist-upgrade will update new packages, install new packages as a dependency of the upgraded packages and remove packages that are broken by upgraded packages.
Troubleshooting the most common installation problems
Getting an Error connecting to the database
The error establishing a database connection error simply means that ClassicPress was unable to connect to your MySQL database which is likely due to incorrect database information.
To fix this, Open the wp-config file again just like we did before and carefully reenter the database login information.
Being asked for FTP credentials:
ClassicPress would prompt you for FTP credentials if it does not have the proper file permission.
To fix this, run the following command:
sudo chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/web/
That should fix it.
The INFO.XML file could not be found
If you get an error on Softaculous reporting the INFO.XML file missing, log into your cloud server with the root account and run the following command to update and download the required scripts:
sudo /usr/local/vesta/php/bin/php /usr/local/vesta/softaculous/cron.php
You may get a message about other missing files but the INFO.XML file should get added as required.
Ahmed Faruq
VestaCP recently had a Zero-Day vulnerability, it has been fixed but hasn’t been pushed to apt and rpm repo, while we wait for that, this is the temporary fix by dpeca:
Updating VestaCP on Debian/Ubuntu from official GitHub repo:
sudo su –
apt install -y git
cd /root
rm -rf /root/vesta
git clone
cp -rf /root/vesta/* /usr/local/vesta
Janne Ruostemaa
Hi Ahmed, thanks for the update. Zero-day vulnerabilities are certainly unfortunate and having the ability to install from the source is always beneficial.
I can’t access to Vesta CP. This site can’t be reached.I’m using upcluoud server with install Ubuntu18 . I received ip address . and account information when I enter into admin login page Vesta CP. it show This site can’t be reached
why i can’t access Vesta CP following .
why it is showing that This site can’t be reached.
Please help me
Janne Ruostemaa
Hi there, thanks for the question. While the Vesta CP admin panel should be reachable if the installation was successful, I would suggest double-checking your cloud server’s IP address as I don’t believe we currently have IP addresses in the range.
I’m using VestaCP to host 6 WordPress websites. Although I haven’t done any lab benchmarks, I’ve noticed that after enabling opcache in the php configuration files my cpu load dropped alot.
I still havent figured out how to upgrade to PHP7? I’m running ubuntu 18.04
Janne Ruostemaa
Hi there, thanks for the comment. There is a helpful guide to upgrading PHP on VestaCP’s forum, although intended for Debian it’ll work much the same for Ubuntu. Remember to disable the old PHP version and enable the new for the install to take effect.
Albert David
Additionally, the HTTPS protocol issue for the VestaCP control panel can be resolved by assigning to panel the security certificate that has been installed on an existing domain. This in web interface: Server – Configure – Vesta SSL. So you can enter the respective port with secure protocol.